
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How to concentrate on studies

This is one problem every one faces. Inability to concentrate may stem from any of the following reasons, the reasons being mentioned at random, not in the priority order.
Fear of the Results
Subject not interesting
Mind distracted by other activities
Focus shifted by love affair/infatuation
Not serious about one’s life time goals
Too many conflicts in mind
Home atmosphere not conducive for studies
Emotionally disturbed
Negativity induced by the company you keep
Too much of pampering
The list is not exhaustive.
a) Majority of the students suffer from fear of the results, emotional disturbance and distractions by love affairs/infatuations. In some cases, the subject may not be interesting or difficult to study. This is only a mental block, which can be over come.
b) Emotional disturbance may be caused by unresolved conflicts in mind or by other people’s behaviour towards us or our goals.
c) The company you keep may influence your behaviour. This happens at all ages but especially, more visible in the growing up years.
While there is no cure all solutions, some borad steps can be taken.
Dont try hard to concentrate because the harder u try, greater willbe distraction. for that follow the following steps. Adopting a proper study technique is very vital. (for details, send e mail to author for Study Techniques).You fix up a time for studies - for about one and half hours duration first.Then, sit there. Work for about 45 minutes. Then, change the subject.If youu were working out, then, study. if you were studying, then, workout. Change like that.
Initially, after about 30 minutes you lose concentration and mind wanderstowards other unwanted thoughts..AT THAT TIME, REMEMBER, YOU SHOULD NOT GET UP FROM YOUR SEAT.
No matter how strong the urge is, DONT GET UP FROM THE SEAT. Tell yourmind, ok, i will not study now, but wont get up either. Just sit theretill that one and half hour time schedule is up. Dont keep on thetable any thing other study materials.And do deep breathing for two minutes. your focus comes back.Initially, your focus refuses to come back.But if you assert mentally that you wont get up, then, mind accepts yourdecision and starts focusing on studies.
Emotional disturbance needs external help. Consult some one whom you can trust and confide. Solution will come. Deep breathing for about 15 to 20 minutes daily helps overcome emotional disturbance. Identifying the underlying cause for emotional disturbance is the first step you have to take and then, to seek solutions.
Influence of the people whose company we keep works on us on several occasions. Negativity, irresponsibility, devil may care attitude, disobedience, rudeness, vulgarity and the like may be transferred to you from your close associates. Periodical review of your own behaviour towards your own life time goals will help. If solution is not forthcoming, do consult a trustworthy counselor.
The essence is REALISING your life time goals by harnessing the resources available to you – your dreams, your intelligence and your time.

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