
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Every one wants to be strong mentally. But, not all can. Some people can take bold decisions, some cannot. Some people can do any thing they want to, but some cannot.
Various factors affect our personality that contributes for such situations.
Believe me, any one can become mentally strong, any can take bold decisions, any one can do whatever they want to. All have the capacity. Very few use their capacity to the optimum level.
The first step is to ask yourself, what is it that you can do well, really well. List out all those activities which you can carry out quite well, doest not matter how trivial it is. This helps you gain confidence in yourself.
The second step is to build a relationship between these activities and the goal you have chosen for your life. How you can use these activities to realize your goal, you will have to work out. Some times, there may be no connection what so ever, but be creative, think different, you will discover a relationship between them.
The third step is to start working on that line. Once you start working on your goal, you can go on improvising and you will be amazed to discover the unknown levels of talent you have, stored right inside you! The more latent talents you discover, the more your confidence grows!
Our external behaviour is a mirror to the conflicts that go on in our mind. The difference between dream and reality, between what you want and what you have, between the right and wrong creates conflict in our mind. This conflict affects our external behaviour. Resolution of the conflict is absolutely vital if we have to progress positively towards our goal realization.
If you are postponing doing things, if you become irritable at every body and every thing, if you have to depend more and more on lies to cover up your actions, if you become more and secretive in your relationships, if your responses tend to be rude and vulgar, then, there is a sign of deep conflict going on in your mind.
Introspect, meditate, ponder and work out to over come the conflict. In case you are unable to, seek outside help. And don’t hesitate to use the help.
In order to be successful in life, we have to be mentally strong. There are three dimensions you have to attend to. First of all, you should be very clear as to what you want to do and how you are going to do it. To a small extent, you do have to consider opinions of other people. And to a still smaller extent, leave some thing for luck to intervene.
When you are very clear what you want to do and how to go about it, chances are you may get a doubt as to whether you are not doing anything wrong. In such circumstances, ask yourself three questions, (a) whether by doing what you are doing, you are taking one step nearer to realization of your dreams, (b) by doing what you are doing, whether you are harming any one and (c) by doing what you are doing, whether you are cheating any one, including yourself!.
If the answer to (a) is YES and to (b) and (c) is NO,
Then, GO AHEAD, no matter who says what

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